Hear from these movers and shakers on what makes the startup world worth it.
The possibilities are endless.
“By far the best thing about working for a startup is the idea that the possibilities are endless. In few other environments would I have the freedom and encouragement to create and experiment in the way that I am able to in the crazy world of entrepreneurship. There is this awesome mentality that no idea is a bad idea until tested. Being a designer this is the type of environment I thrive in and find the most inspiration and successful outcomes.”
Every day we’re problem-solving.
“I love that everyday we’re problem-solving. Not knowing an answer and then being given the resources, feedback and candid conversation to work it out to better our product and company is incredibly rewarding. The freedom I’m given to work autonomously and then the support I have in a smart, experienced team that’s always open to bounce ideas off of, allows me learn quickly and be mentored from very talented entrepreneurs.”
Free food and beer! Kidding- kind of.
“The free food and beer. Kidding, kind of. Our office is pretty well stocked with oreos and beer though. I love the passion of everyone surrounding me at my job every day. When you work for a startup, you pretty much have to be all-in. You have to genuinely believe in your company. If you don’t, your company probably won’t succeed. It’s a lot of responsibility and accountability, but that comes with the genuine passion and motivation of hustling alongside people who care a h*ll of a lot about their jobs.”
Also, dogs!
“One of my favorite parts of working in a startup is the atmosphere (and the dogs — the coworking space I go to is dog-friendly!). Everyone works really hard and has a lot of fun doing so. My previous job was in a corporate setting, and it was very challenging to work in that environment. I have a lot more responsibility and the trust to do what I need to do to get things done. The opportunities for advancement are there, and as long as you work hard, you’ll be rewarded.”
You wear so many hats.
“I love the ability to wear so many different hats, especially in the early stages of a company. You can be hired as the graphic designer and at the same time be your company’s social media marketer. There is truly an endless amount to be learned when you’re in that kind of position. I’ve gained so many skills from being part of my company’s team since the early stages.”
What’s your favorite part about working for a startup? Tweet us @StarterNoise with your fave!