
The Parka that Raised over $3 Million on Kickstarter

I hate being cold. Like, seriously hate it. When my boyfriend and I first moved in together the thermostat setting took up a fair amount of our conversations. Alas, I live in beautiful Colorado and love being outside in all weather. So, when I heard about Smart Parka, my ears perked up. They perked up again when I found out Smart Parka raised over $3 million on Kickstarter.

The Smart Parka – or Smarka – is a product of North Aware in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Who knows more about being bone-chilling cold then those in Ontario? I trust them on this venture already . . .

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The Smarka comes in four styles for women – Vogue, Expedition, Bomber and Classic – and three styles for men – the above minus Vogue. The styles have slightly different cuts and fits and come in a variety of colors. They also have a lot of adjustability. Hoods can be added or removed, as needed, even the length can be extended if needed.

The Kickstarter for North Aware aimed to raise only $30,000. That goal was completely blown out of the water as people pledged enough money to get Smart Parkas for their whole family, get early bird specials on the coat or get extras like gloves and knit caps.  Turns out people all over the world hate being cold.

Here is what makes Smarka such a smart parka:

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Convenience has long been a factor in innovation. Some companies add a little convenience and focus more on style, but North Aware has found a sweet spot between the two. So, get ready for winter, people. If your coat doesn’t include built-in-everything and room for all your digital devices then it is so 2015.

What does your winter gear need to be better? Talk to us @StarterNoise.


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