We’re all doing everything to ensure we stay sane during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use these three tools to cope with pandemic stress and thank us later!
Breathe Machine: A virtual tool to help with breathing exercises and anxiety.
For anyone feeling nervous, restless, or tense, especially during this coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Whenever you feel like you need to catch your breath, push the button, relax, follow the bubble, and breathe. Just that. Breathe. A way to cope simply by breathing.
what day is it today: A tool that does one thing and one thing only: tell you what day it is.
Okay, hear me out. While we’re social distancing and quarantining, the days go by much differently from when we were all in our daily routines. Let’s be honest, we all could use this tool. It’s hilarious, it’s also shockingly useful, and I’ve already used it twice this week. It’s a tool I never knew I’d need to cope, but here we are.
Sanvello: A tool that offers a range of tools to cope and peer supports and has offered free premium access during COVID-19.
The app also gives you suggested activities based on your mood — very helpful for self-isolation. Bonus: for those with qualifying insurance or sponsorship through your employer or higher education institution, you’ll find even more services available—now and beyond this pandemic.
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