
A self-improvement company Madefor you

In a world that loves a quick fix, or what I like to call a band-aid, Madefor is a modernized 10-month program that is designed for you to take a step inward and rewire your neuroplasticity. Focused on improving both mental and physical wellness, Madefor uses analog practices that are designed to build healthy habits.

Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS, and Pat Dossett, a former Navy SEAL, launched MadeFor in early March– ironically days before our country went into lockdown.   

Madefor was inspired by the idea to “stop chasing quick fixes.” After feeling  burnt-out and disconnected from his family, Mycoskie stepped down as CEO from TOMS.  This is when he discovered that there were certain, basic principles that were central in becoming his best self, something he knew could make a difference in people’s lives.

Mycoskie adds, “Modern living is tough, MadeFor is an opportunity to help people feel better and live better.”  By curating a program with the help of neuroscientists, psychiatrists, scholars, physical therapists, and registered dietitians, from top schools such as Harvard, MadeFor helps you “discover what you are made for.”

So, how does MadeFor work?

Each month, members receive a box that is committed to one of 10 areas. Some of the areas of focus include: gratitude, nature, rest, and clarity. Included, is a booklet that goes over the science and challenge for that month. Each challenge is scientifically designed to rewire your brain and form a new habit.

But get this–unlike any other self-improvement program, there is no corresponding app. MadeFor is based on analog first, encouraging us to unplug from our devices and take small steps to improving our life offline.

MadeFor is inspiring self-improvement offline in the midst of a rapidly expanding digital age. The 10-month program also includes a support system to insure you remain engaged, a private community you can tap-into, and advisors committed to helping you bring your best self to the world.

There is seemingly no better time to take a step inward and create life-long habits that foster our physical and mental health.  Mycoskie expresses, “In the midst of this crisis, I hope people realize that life is about more than work or your material possessions or having the right bag,” he says. “Life is about your essence, your wellness, your ability to connect to people. People are getting deeper in that regard.”

 An analog based program seems to be the perfect antidote to a time with such uncertainty. MadeFor is a niche in a trillion dollar global wellness market and something we are definitely interested to test out.  

Photo Credit: MadeFor Website 

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