College can certainly be a stressful time. You have to think about school, work, food, rent, food, your future, alcohol, food, and more. All of these things are important, but perhaps the most important thing to think about, yes, even more important than food, is where you are living.
Finding a new place to live is overwhelming and time consuming. You can spend days looking at outdated ads for apartments on different websites or walk around your city looking for “For Rent” signs hoping you’ll see an amazing, affordable place to live… or someone walking a dog you can play with. The millennials that make up the ABODO team know the misery of searching for a new apartment and that’s exactly why they created a simple way for you to find the great apartment you are looking for.

Ever since its creation in 2012, ABODO has helped millions of renters in tier 2 U.S. cities such as Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and more find great apartments. With a simple, user-friendly website and iOS and Android app, ABODO provides renters with an easy way to find a great place to live.
Now, there are a lot of questions you need to ask yourself when looking for an apartment. Like can I afford the rent? Is the place in a nice area? Do I need a fitness center? (Yeah, right.) Does it have a nice kitchen? (aka does it have room for a microwave to make lean cuisines and late night pizza rolls?) ABODO has the answers to all of your questions. With ABODO, you can filter your search to fit all of your needs as well as look at pictures and 3D views of apartments in your city.
The ABODO team also knows it can be difficult to agree with your roommate on a place that works for both of you. You might want an apartment next to a pizza place (a guy can dream, right?) and your roommate might want an apartment next to a place that only serves salads (your roommate is a monster… you can move in with me by the pizza place.)
With the ABODO iOS and Android app, agreeing with your roommate on a place to live is easy. ABODO’s new app feature allows you to text a link of a property to your roommate directly from the app. Watch how easy it is here.
The 33-member ABODO team of recent college graduates, including an adorable dog named Berkley that hangs out with them at their headquarters, believes renters outside of major cities also deserve an easy, up-to-date apartment-hunting platform.
Learn more about the company and the team on the ABODO website and find your dream apartment today… or at least look at the pictures of Berkley; he’s adorable.
Tweet @StarterNoise if you’d give ABODO a try.

Mac is a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student studying advertising and public relations. After a long day of trying not to eat pizza for every single meal, Mac likes to burn a candle, watch The Office and have a slice of pizza. Mac also plays well with other dogs.