Now is the time to support women entrepreneurs.
We all know that gender inequality exists within the workplace. On average, women earn only 54 cents for every dollar men earn, and there are far more men in leadership roles than women. In fact, women hold only 21% of C-suite level roles in the United States.
Yet, women far outscore men in leadership skills such as team working, innovation, and problem-solving. If given the opportunity to lead, women’s innate leadership skills would help propel them forward—especially in the entrepreneurial space.
Entrepreneurship is an attractive lifestyle for many. Even though social norms are changing, many women still hold the brunt of traditional family responsibilities, and several companies have been slow, or incapable, to address flexible accommodations for working mothers.
Startup founder and mother, Tracy Young gives an honest, raw talk about some of the constraints women face in a male-dominated work culture. Listen to her TedTalk to hear how she developed courage and vulnerability to better lead as a female entrepreneur.
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Derek Rundell, is a successful business leader, operator, and serial entrepreneur. Derek has founded, managed and sold businesses in the technology, media and finance industries. He sits on several boards and serves as an advisor/investor to numerous established businesses and startups. Startups are Derek’s real passion, and in addition to building his own portfolio of technology, media and financial ventures, he invests in and mentors startups and entrepreneurs. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and helping other businesses succeed.