Millennials get a whole lot of attention, and it’s not always so great. Born between 1980 and the late 1990s, millennials have acquired a notorious reputation for being lazy, self-centered, and materialistic. I’m sure all of us have encountered the good, the bad, and the ugly, but I can say for certain that these stereotypes do not hold true for every millennial.
What does hold true for millennials is the extreme difficulty in landing on their own feet upon graduation from college. I know countless friends who walked out of college with over $100,000 in debt and absolutely no job prospects. So what do they do? Move in with mom and dad, duh! What’s the problem with that? Well, if I need to explain this to you then you really need to get out more.
So where in the world can a young millennial score a fab job and a place to call home (and not with mom and dad sleeping right down the hall)? The answer is simple and backed with scientific proof. Young millennials should be living in Denver.
As a recent transplant to Denver myself, I can tell you just how amazing this city really is. You’ve got the mountains, a billion delicious places to eat, a slew of young, successful individuals, and a city that promotes a healthy lifestyle. What more could you want?! And it doesn’t end there, thanks to a recent study by Abodo, only 25.5% of millennials live at home. That’s about 9% less than the national average of 34.1%.
The job market is robust in Denver with a thriving startup scene. Plenty of young individuals find it fairly easy to land a job once they finish up college or high school. And the pay is pretty great as well. So why not pack up your bags and head West to Denver? I did — and it’s the best decision I’ve made.
Would you move to Denver as a young millennial? Tweet @StarterNoise.
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Katherine is a newbie to Denver. She recently completed her Masters in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. When she isn’t trying to save the world, Katherine is all about trying any and all delicious foods, hitting up the beach but not actually swimming (deathly afraid of sharks), and taking as many hikes as humanly possible.