
NoCodery 2.0: Your No-Code Remote Job Board

NoCodery 2.0: A no-code job board for your remote job search.

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, employment is evolving. 

Some of us are adapting to the day-to-day routines working from home, and some of us have been left jobless. 

Remote job websites are popping up, but there’s a catch. Many remote jobs are seeking individuals with experience in web development. And, while there’s a lot that the human brain can do, learning to code during such a stressful time might be a bit ambitious.

The good news is, so many of us have no-code skills that are crucial to a company’s success!

The bad(ish) news is, it’s tricky to find those companies.

That’s where Nocodery 2.0 comes into the picture. The career platform is “more than just a no-code job board,” says platform maker Gonçalo Henriques. “It is the place where you can pump up your no-code career for free! Apply to no-code jobs on the platform; Learn no-code tools with tutorials; Brag about your no-code skills; no-code tools directory.”

Essentially, NoCodery 2.0 is the fairy godmother of your coronavirus-related job search journey. 

Of his motivation to create the platform, creator Gonçalo Henriques says:

“We all know that no-code is exploding and it is the keyword of 2020 (aside from coronavirus and COVID-19). What we saw with that growth of interest in no-code tools was a growing need for experts in several tools around the most popular job boards and platforms on the web. Since no place aggregated all of those offers, we decided to solve that problem by making NoCodery.”

Applying on the platform seems pretty simple. Per NoCodery 2.0’s website, you can apply by simply entering its name and email. Then, all you have to do is hit the apply button.

After that, the platform accommodates its users even further. They contact the job posters on the applicant’s behalf.

And now they’ve introduced a great feature for anyone job-hunting- tutorials to help all users sharpen their skills, learn a new one, and develop more confidence in applying. 

“We know that a lot of people got unemployed due to the COVID-19 massive layoffs around the globe and we know that there is a lot of people searching for no-code talent,” says Henriques. “We decided to aggregate all of the free no-code tutorials we could find so anyone can easily become a NoCoder and apply to some of the jobs offers on Nocodery in no time.”

As per Product Hunt, NoCodery 2.0 is receiving raving reviews and rose to the #2 Product of the Day just last week. 

No-coders on the hunt for a new position- check out their website to get started! 

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