
Recycle Your Plastic & Make Money

Plastic waste is a HUGE problem on our little planet. It is filling up landfills and gathering in the ocean in alarming quantities. Only 10% of discarded plastics get recycled. Ouch. That’s a lot of trash.

What if it were easier to turn plastics into reusable materials without the overwhelming cost or giant production facilities? What if people in a variety of countries could gather liter from the streets and make products they need?

What if the person who created such an opportunity cared more about making a difference than making money so he put all the plans, blueprints and instructional videos online, for free, for anyone in the whole world to use?

Precious Plastic is opening the door to revolutionize the way the world treats their trash. With simple machines that can be made with materials that can be found anywhere in the world, plastic may just be moved from a disposable commodity to a precious material.


Imagine all the possibilities when people can recycle and reuse right in their own studio:

A collection of plastic bottles, containers and bags is shred down into tiny pieces, then molded into a set of bowls for a family who doesn’t have any.

Another set of plastics is shred and made into boards for students to use to write on during their classes at a poor, rural school.

Yet more plastic is gathered and molds are made for crutches, for utensils, for wastebaskets, for just about anything you can imagine that can be made out of plastic.

Dave Hakkens is making it happen and making it available for everyone. Check out the video:

We have a little challenge for you: Tweet to @StarterNoise and let us know 3 impactful things that are possible when people can recycle and reuse plastics. The possibilities may be endless . . . #PreciousPlastic

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