Looking for some extra cash? Don’t want to work too hard to try and earn it? Well a start-up created by college grads allows companies in search of research subjects to connect with interested individuals. Xperii is a one of kind start-up that connects people to research studies, focus groups, and clinical trials. And did I mention you get paid? That’s right; individuals have the opportunity to make upwards of $50 an hour for participation.
Xperii originated from the minds of MIT Ph.D. student, Evan Ehrenberg and a Brown University student, Cynthia Chen. The two competed in Recess, a national pitch competition among college entrepreneurs, and won a full scholarship to Draper University, a residential entrepreneurial program in Silicon Valley and a 30-minute Skype session with venture capitalist Tim Draper. Recess works with companies like Southwest and Microsoft to help create a bridge between millennials and corporate businesses. The competition includes a music festival and opportunities to network with other college students and entrepreneurs.
Xperri was just one of several impressive business pitches that competed at Recess. Penn & Hunt and The Space Research Company also won secondary prizes, which included a 30-minute Skype interview with Tim Draper. Either way, Xperri has the potential to create an accessible means for businesses to connect with individuals who are close by and interested in research. Signing up to Xperri is easy and you have the opportunity to earn some money when a study aligns with your available free time.
Think Xperri is an innovative start-up worth your time? Tweet @StarterNoise to let us know!

Katherine is a newbie to Denver. She recently completed her Masters in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. When she isn’t trying to save the world, Katherine is all about trying any and all delicious foods, hitting up the beach but not actually swimming (deathly afraid of sharks), and taking as many hikes as humanly possible.