Inclusive emojis are here, and—in completely unrelated news—I’m going to start using emojis. New inclusive emojis? Yes, please. The newest iOS betas often give a sneak peek of what to expect when we... 10.02.20 | Kenzi Enright
Apple Gets a Little Greener Apple’s getting a little greener this Earth Day! As we all take a moment to marvel at how incredibly amazing... 04.22.18 | Kiki Koebel
Newest iPhone Emojis Unveiled Get ready to get messaging- iPhone emojis are updated and ready to be sent. First, I’ll remind you what exactly... 10.06.17 | Kiki Koebel
The iPhone X Has Arrived Raise your hand if you own an iPhone. I bet a whopping 90 some percent of us have our hands... 09.13.17 | Kiki Koebel
Best Inventions Of The Last Decade The last decade has been witness to a number of radical inventions that have made sweeping changes to society as... 01.21.15 | starternoise_admin