New Smartwatches Prove It’s Possible To Be Both Smart And Pretty If you’ve been wanting to get in on the smartwatch trend but you’re not too keen on the techy look,... 05.27.16 | Megann Rundell
Where the Most Influential People Spent Their Weekend The Further Future music festival kicked off outside of Las Vegas last weekend. Never heard of Further Future? Think Burning... 05.03.16 | Sarah Koebel
A Rebrand for Tinder? Hook-Up App to Female Empowerment Tool Even if you don’t want to admit it, I’m sure most of us have ‘tindered’ before. As you’ve gazed through... 04.26.16 | Kiki Koebel
Robot Vs. Robot The world of robot competitions has come a long way since the popular TV show BattleBots began pitting manmade machines... 04.20.16 | Molly Larkin
Recycle Your Plastic & Make Money Plastic waste is a HUGE problem on our little planet. It is filling up landfills and gathering in the ocean... 04.15.16 | Darcie Nolan
Is It Possible To Learn More At A Festival Than In Lecture Hall? When the Further Future event hits the Mojave Desert April 29 through May 1 it’s going to bring some brilliant... 04.14.16 | Sarah Koebel
The Festival of the Future SXSW, Cochella, Burning Man, Lollapollooza and other great festivals are extremely good at what they do – even recognized internationally.... 04.01.16 | Sarah Koebel
5 Practices That Will Make Your Business—And Your Life—Better As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get so caught up in work life that your personal/family life suffer. And believe... 03.28.16 | Derek Rundell