Tinder hit a goldmine. It is now the number 1 app in the App Store’s top grossing category.
This accomplishment has much to do with Tinder’s recent launch of Tinder Gold. In case you haven’t downloaded Tinder or somehow managed to find your bae without the help of an app, this new feature lets users see who has liked them without needing to make a match with their likers first. Basically, you get to see all those lovely bachelors and bachelorettes that have given you the ole’ swipe right before you even need to do any swiping.

Tinder Gold adds that extra sparkle to your love-hunting quest with additional features including Passport, Rewind, Unlimited Likes, five Super Likes per day, one Boost per month, and so much more. What’s not to love??
Tinder is free to download on your smart phones, but in order to reap the benefits of Tinder Gold, you’ll need to pay $4.99 a month. But, if the love of your life is out there somewhere, swiping “right” right this very moment, then maybe it’s worth the investment? Or maybe that $4.99 is better spent getting a couple bottles of Two Buck Chuck and drinking alone this weekend. Whatever floats your boat.
Have you downloaded Tinder Gold? Tweet @StarterNoise!

Katherine is a newbie to Denver. She recently completed her Masters in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. When she isn’t trying to save the world, Katherine is all about trying any and all delicious foods, hitting up the beach but not actually swimming (deathly afraid of sharks), and taking as many hikes as humanly possible.