All over the world, women and girls don’t have the same opportunities as men and boys. Among other things, clothes and speech are often censored and education is often out of the question. Like a hyperbole of 1950s America, women are expected to keep households, do chores, and raise children at a very young age. If they get a job, they’re forced to do difficult work for very little in wages.
This is still a reality for girls in Uganda. The cycle of poverty seems to have no escape. It seems that education is the only way to put a stop to an otherwise harsh future.
Unlock Hope is a philanthropic company working to help Ugandan girls get educated so they can have the future they deserve. By selling shirts, jewelry, and other accessories, Unlock Hope raises money to support girls so that they can go to school. Every product you buy generates enough revenue to support one girl for one day. “One product. One Girl. One Day.”
A lot of philanthropists and activists would ask why Unlock Hope wouldn’t just donate the money they spend on making t-shirts directly to the girls (which is ridiculous to anyone with a mind for business.) By selling products, Unlock Hope has a more sustainable business model. They are going to be able to support the women of Uganda for far longer than they would with one, single donation.
The same criticisms were made of TOMS Shoes and Warby Parker. While the one-for-one model is relatively new, it has proved to be an extremely successful way for businesses to give back. One pair of shoes, one pair of reading glasses, or one paycheck wouldn’t get you through a lifetime, so why would we assume that it would get someone else that far?
Even though we can’t all start businesses, we can support the companies who help others. The world needs more people who care. So check out Unlock Hope’s inventory and make a difference today.
Show us your new threads by tweeting @UnlockHope and @StarterNoise, asap! And don’t forget to follow us too!

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